
Astronomers find grains of sand around distant stars

In a find that sheds light on how Earth-like planets may form, astronomers this week reported finding the first evidence of small, sandy particles orbiting a newborn solar system at about the same distance as the Earth orbits ...

Copolymers block out new approaches to microelectronics at NIST

In response to the electronics industry’s rallying cry of “smaller and faster,” the next breakthroughs in the electronics size barrier are likely to come from microchips and data storage devices created out of novel ...

Shell shock

An MIT materials scientist's research on sea snails has helped transform battery technology and may end the era when cell phones die if they're dropped and PDAs must be replaced if they get dunked in the tub.

Study shows hybrid effect on power distribution

A growing number of plug-in hybrid electric cars and trucks could require major new power generation resources or none at all— depending on when people recharge their automobiles.

Nanomaterials Show Unexpected Strength Under Stress

In yet another twist on the strangeness of the nanoworld, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland-College Park have discovered that materials such as silica that are ...

Single-crystal semiconductor wire built into an optical fiber

An international science team from Penn State University in the United States and the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom has developed a process for growing a single-crystal semiconductor inside the tunnel of ...

NASA seeks supersonic research projects

The U.S. space agency released its "Research Opportunities in Aeronautics 2008" list, soliciting research in support of its supersonics project.

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