
New technology for navigating without GPS

A new method for navigation at sea, independent of GPS, is being put forward in a dissertation from Linkoping University. Today merchant marine, military, and recreational boat traffic all rely on the global satellite system ...

Face to face - in realistic 3D

UK experts develop super-realistic animation system Computing experts at Cardiff University, UK, are developing a super-realistic animation system that simulates the movements of a face, based on speech. The team in the ...

Chemicals in tattoo inks need closer scrutiny

As tattoos have grown in popularity, so have complaints of adverse side effects associated with both their application and removal. A new study, done by chemistry students at Northern Arizona University, looked at the chemical ...

In solution, tiny magnetic wires scatter light

Maneuvering external magnets, scientists can command the direction in which light bounces off tiny, magnetic wires that sway like matchsticks in thick, slow-moving solutions. Announcing her finding at the 229th meeting of ...

Moving electrons at the molecular and nanometer scales

Possible applications for solar cells and other small-scale circuits Learning how to control the movement of electrons on the molecular and nanometer scales could help scientists devise small-scale circuits for a wide variety ...

'Tree-Power' Could be Future Energy Source

A wood-fueled electricity generating plant may be in your future. In fact, the future is 'now' in some Scandinavian countries, said Dr. Darwin Foster, Texas Cooperative Extension forestry program leader. "In Sweden, they're ...

Scientists Create, Study Methane Hydrates in 'Ocean Floor' Lab

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have recreated the high-pressure, low-temperature conditions of the seafloor in a tabletop apparatus for the study of methane-hydrates, an abundant ...

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