
It’s The Way It’s Written...

Forensic experts believe a Punjabi equivalent of English pangram ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ could help profile the criminal authors of documents.

Prehistoric aesthetics explains snail biogeography puzzle

The answer to a mystery that long has puzzled biologists may lie in prehistoric Polynesians' penchant for pretty white shells, a research team headed by University of Michigan mollusk expert Diarmaid Ó Foighil has found.

AMD Adds Multi-Core Triple Threat to Desktop Roadmap

Delivering a multi-core triple threat, AMD today announced the addition of AMD Phenom triple-core processors to its desktop roadmap. AMD Phenom triple-core processors, expected to be the world’s first PC processors to integrate ...

Intelligent steel for safer cars

Each year, more than 200,000 car accidents occur in Germany. Car manufacturers devote much time, effort, and cost to developing new ways of protecting drivers and passengers.

Why conservation efforts often fail

Modern conservation techniques have brought us the resurgence of American bald eagles, sustainable forest harvests and the rescue of prized lobster fisheries. So how can modern conservation strategies also have wrought such ...

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