
Does relativity lie at the source of quantum exoticism?

Since its beginnings, quantum mechanics hasn't ceased to amaze us with its peculiarity, so difficult to understand. Why does one particle seem to pass through two slits simultaneously? Why, instead of specific predictions, ...

Representation of driving behavior as a statistical model

A joint research team from Toyohashi University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Toyota Transportation Research Institute, and Daido University has established a method to represent driving ...

Genetic self-activation maintains plant stem cells

Branching allows plants to occupy space in three dimensions, an innovation considered essential for their adaption. Stem cells are key to this process because they promote the establishment of new growth axes. But where do ...

Fossil trove sheds light on ancient antipodean ecology

The oldest known animals and plants preserved in amber from Southern Gondwana are reported in Scientific Reports this week. Gondwana, the supercontinent made up of South America, Africa, Madagascar, India, Antarctica and ...

Researchers forecast longer, more extreme wildfire seasons

In California, a changing climate has made autumn feel more like summer, with hotter, drier weather that increases the risk of longer, more dangerous wildfire seasons, according to a new Stanford-led study.

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