
Cyclone 24S now all grown up and renamed Tropical Storm Sean

Weather systems that become tropical cyclones go through a couple of names before they mature, just like people with nicknames. Such is the case with Cyclone 24S in the Southern Indian Ocean that was just renamed Tropical ...

New Swedish website helps stranded travelers get organised

"Searching ride Madrid-Amsterdam or Belgium or Germany": people stranded due to a giant flight-halting cloud of volcanic ash this week were not too picky, and just glad that a new website was helping organise the long journey ...

Return of top predators is key to ecological future

Sufficient advances have been made about the importance of top predators in ecosystem function that it's time to move from discussing the issue to acting upon it, a conservation biologist from Oregon State University suggests ...

Satellite takes a space-eye view of Arctic ice

(PhysOrg.com) -- More than 700 kilometres above Earth, a recently launched satellite is being readied to provide University of Alberta researchers with a new set of eyes for monitoring ice thickness across the Arctic.

Homespun power: Energy solution blows in wind with turbine

Last June, Frank Towns put up a wind turbine behind his home to generate electricity. Turns out it's generating interest, too. People driving by often stop to ask about it, and Towns is happy to share information about his ...

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