
Students locate Civil War ship

Students at East Carolina University have located the remains of a U.S. warship that tried to wrest control of the Roanoke River from the Confederacy.

Parking lot sealant may be polluter

A Texas study found a coating used in many parking lots may be a major source of potentially harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. PAHs are produced by the incomplete burning of organic substances, including coal, oil, ...

Antarctic Telescope High On Australian New Wishlist

Astronomers hope to kick-start their long-running push to build a telescope in Antarctica in the latest 10-year plan for Australian astronomy. A draft version of the so-called decadal plan will be discussed at the annual ...

Amputee displays hands that can 'feel'

A rehabilitation center in Chicago has equipped a man who lost both arms with prosthetics that can sense hot and cold and allow him to pick up objects.

Senators want space shuttle to keep flying

Senators from Texas and Florida, the states most associated with the space program, want no interruption in NASA's manned flights. Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Texas Republican, and Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, have sponsored ...

Digital Advances Produce Improved Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

One day on a gray-painted aircraft carrier tossed by turbulent seas, a grizzled Navy commander awaits the arrival of a new pilot. A teeny knock pings from the outside of the officer's watertight steel door. "Come in," the ...

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