
Rolling Stones delivered via phone

Can't get enough of the Rolling Stones? Now fans of the legendary rock group will have access to the band's remaining European concerts via their phone.

Globe Talk: Broadband holds carriers' key

It used to be that charges made for phone calls were what could make or break a telecommunications company. But gone are the days when simply encouraging people to talk longer and more often could lead to profits. Instead, ...

Efficient Parking Guidance System – Networked via GPRS

The world’s first parking guidance system to dispense with wires and underground connections turned in a stellar performance during its first 100 days of operation. In service in Munich (Germany), the system uses GPRS transmission ...

Researchers convert farm waste to bio-oil

Samy Sadaka reached into a garbage bag, picked up a mixture of cow manure and corn stalks, let it run through his fingers and invited a visitor to do the same... It wasn't that bad.

Crash Landing on the Moon

In 1959, a spaceship fell out of the lunar sky and hit the ground near the Sea of Serenity. The ship itself was shattered, but its mission was a success. Luna 2 from the Soviet Union had became the first manmade object to ...

Anatomy of a Scientific Revolution

With the "Genesis of General Relativity", the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science has just published the most comprehensive study to date of the structures of a scientific revolution.

Motorola to carry Shanda wireless games

Motorola will launch wireless versions of Shanda Interactive Entertainment video games in the Chinese market, it announced Friday.

Trust in real time for secure digital certificates

CertiVeR, a European research project under the eTEN programme, developed and launched a complete and decentralised service for certification authorities (CAs) and other users. The technology – a secure online certificate ...

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