
Landmarks to go dark for extinction awareness

Global landmarks from the Sydney Opera House to Dubai's Burj Khalifa are set to dim their lights on Saturday to raise awareness about energy use and our planet's vanishing biodiversity.

Odd reaction creates a stir in the lab

The stirrers that mix cream into your coffee probably don't make much difference to the drink. But in a chemistry lab, it turns out using the wrong stirrer can skew the science.

Hubble spots flock of cosmic ducks

This star-studded image shows us a portion of Messier 11, an open star cluster in the southern constellation of Scutum (the Shield). Messier 11 is also known as the Wild Duck Cluster, as its brightest stars form a "V" shape ...

Science Says: Why scientists prize plant, animal genomes

Just about every week, it seems, scientists publish the unique DNA code of some creature or plant. Just in February, they published the genome for the strawberry, the paper mulberry tree, the great white shark and the Antarctic ...

Cornell model helps dairy farms reduce nitrogen, save money

The Chesapeake Bay—about 235 miles down the Susquehanna River from New York's Southern Tier—and other waterways might grow cleaner, thanks to new updates and improvements in a Cornell dairy nutrition model.

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