
E-science effort will try to tame data torrents

A growing number of scientific fields suffer from a stifling embarassment of riches: data pile up much faster than they can be analyzed. A team of researchers at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences ...

Networking around the clock

A Brandeis University study published in Cell this week shows for the first time experimentally that the circadian cells in fruit flies function as a network that enables the insects to adapt their behavior according to seasonal ...

Females do best if they wait a while

Starting to breed late in life is a bad idea if you want to maximise the number of offspring that you produce - or so the theory goes. But doubt has now been cast on this hypothesis - one of the biggest assumptions in behavioural ...

More flight than fancy?

Scientists from the universities of Exeter and Cambridge have turned a textbook example of sexual selection on its head and shown that females may be more astute at choosing a mate than previously thought.

Cambridge to host first city-wide wireless sensor network

Harvard University, BBN Technologies, and the City of Cambridge have begun a four-year project to install 100 wireless sensors atop streetlights in Cambridge, Mass., creating the world's first city-wide network of wireless ...

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