
Model analysis helps protect river's ecosystem

The Grand Canyon will be experiencing a spring of yesteryear, as water flow rates from the Glen Canyon Dam will be significantly increased, then throttled back in a high-flow experiment that runs March 4 through 9. The result ...

Rock: Electrons run through it

If the Flintstones had electricity, their wires might have been made of rock. New results in Science Express show that a chunk of hematite can conduct electrons under certain chemical conditions. In addition, the current ...

Torrefacto-roasted coffee has higher antioxidant properties

Torrefacto-roasted coffee has higher antioxidant properties than natural roast, according to the dissertation defended by a biologist of the University of Navarra, Isabel López Galilea. She has emphasized in her study that ...

Silicon Light Bulbs to Compete with Fluorescent Bulbs

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1880, and, since the 1920s, the incandescent light bulb has remained largely unchanged. While that's a testament to Edison's ingenuity, it's also a bulb that uses up to 95% of its ...

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